Antitrust Litigation
Consumers and businesses are often injured by anti-competitive behavior, such as prohibited monopolies, price fixing, bid rigging, geographic market allocation and other improper practices. Unfair business practices such as these threaten trade and commerce, and cause harm to both business owners and consumers alike. Unchecked restraint of trade, monopolization, and attempted monopolization also challenge the free-market system that is fundamental to a thriving economy.
Harwood Feffer prosecutes socially useful antitrust litigation on behalf of business owners, individuals, and consumers injured due to anti-competitive conduct. The Firm is dedicated to upholding antitrust laws that exist to protect the market from reduced competition and unfair price collusion and has the expertise and knowledge to represent clients in a wide range of antitrust matters. As a result, the Firm has obtained significant recoveries and effected important corporate changes that have protected and compensated those so injured.